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Advertising and Partnership Opportunities


Peghead Nation offers businesses a targeted way to reach roots musicians while they are immersed in learning about and playing the music they love. Instrument and accessory manufacturers, retailers, events, and services will all find a passionate and dedicated audience on And with our Partner Benefits, your company reaches quality prospects with product demos, your own blog posts, display advertisements, and logo placements. Join Peghead Nation today!

Email us at for information and pricing.


Instruments & Gear Video Demo on Peghead Nation

  • You send us new instruments, accessories, or other gear and Peghead Nation shoots a high-quality demo with our talented instructors and contributors discussing and playing instruments or gear.
  • The video is included in our Instruments & Gear area of Peghead Nation, with prominent placement on the homepage of
  • Social media promotion of the demo on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, so your new gear announcement reaches as many roots musicians as possible.
  • Included in our Peghead Post email newsletter to current and potential subscribers.

Price: Free posting in Peghead Nation environments (website, social channels, email newsletters).

Guitar Demo Example


Peghead Partner Video Blog

Now you can publish your brand's custom content on and our social channels. Reach the right audience right now. Here's how it works.
  • Send Peghead Nation the entertaining, informative, and education videos that your company has created. Interviews with your company leaders, performances by your endorsers, tours of your facility, or other content that gives musicians insight into your quality products and the experience your company offers.
  • We post your videos on Peghead Nation in the Peghead Partners blog.
  • We share your video with our social media followers on Facebook and Twitter.
  • We include your video in our Peghead Post email newsletter to current and potential subscribers.
  • Chose what you want to post and add up to 4 videos per month.

See the Peghead Partners Blog Here

Peghead Partner Blog Example

Article Thumbnail
The songwriter and multi-instrumentalist performs an original song live in the Martin Museum, on a 1942 Martin D-45.

Promotional Demo Video Production

Don't have the time, equipment, or resources to create your own gear demonstration for your website, dealers, and other marketing purposes? Let Peghead Nation put its expertise to work for you.

  • You send us new instruments, accessories, or other gear and Peghead Nation shoots a high-quality demo in our studio with our talented instructors, contributors, and gear experts discussing and playing your latest instrument, accessory, or amplification product.
  • Peghead Nation edits the video and includes your company logo and titles. Once approved, we send you the video and you can place it on your website, in your email and social media promotion, or send it to your retailers as sales tools for their websites.
Display Advertising

Small Leaderboard

Dimensions: 300w x 50h

  • Available on Homepage, String School Landing, Blog Pages.

ad: small leader

Top Button Ad

Dimensions: 120w X 60h

Rotates on all pages on, at the top of the page.

ad: top button

Rectangle Ad

Dimensions: 300w x 250h

Rotates on the Homepage, String School Landing Page, Blog Landing Pages, and on all Blog Pages (Instruments & Gear, Featured Videos, News & Reviews, Learning Lab).

ad: rectangle

Skyscraper Ad

Dimensions: 160w X 600h

Rotates on Course Landing Pages and all Lesson Pages in Peghead Nation String School.

ad: skyscraper

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Peghead Partners

LX1 Life is Good | Martin Guitars
LX1 Life is Good | Martin Guitars
A special edition of Martin's popular travel guitar.
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