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Session 6: “Cousin Sally Brown,” Part 1: Melody

This lesson is part of the course Creative Jam Skills with Lauren Rioux and Brittany Haas.
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Learn techniques to take a new tune or an old tune you love to the next step—with bowing and phrasing ideas, chordal and rhythmic exploration, and soloing practice.
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Session 2: “Ookpik Waltz”

There are a number of different ways to play the chords to “Ookpik Waltz.” In this video, Lauren and Brittany walk you through the chord progression they like and give you options for double stops for each chord. They also talk about bow pulsing and the different rhythms they use.

The Creative Jam Skills Subscription Includes:
  • Six 90-minute lessons exploring Brittany and Lauren’s approach to learning and jamming on fiddle melodies, with backup techniques and soloing ideas
  • A guided approach to taking tunes you love to the next step, with chordal and rhythmic exploration, bowing and phrasing ideas, and soloing practice
  • High-quality video recordings of each session
  • Notation for each tune
$20/Month For One Course
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Session 6: “Cousin Sally Brown”  
Session 6: “Cousin Sally Brown”  
Session 6: “Cousin Sally Brown,” Part 1: Melody
Session 6: “Cousin Sally Brown,” Part 1: Melody

For the final session of Creative Jam Skills, Lauren and Brittany work on Marcus Martin’s “Cousin Sally Brown,” an old-time tune in the key of A minor with an extra measure in the second part. Brittany and Lauren teach you the melody to “Cousin Sally Brown” in this video. 


You can download (below) MP3s of the melody, as played both by Brittany and Marcus Martin, and a backup track, as well as PDFs of notation for the melody.

  “Cousin Sally Brown” Played by Brittany Haas (Available to subscribers)
  “Cousin Sally Brown” Played by Marcus Martin (Available to subscribers)
  “Cousin Sally Brown” Chord Possibilities (Available to subscribers)
  “Cousin Sally Brown” Notation (Available to subscribers)
  “Cousin Sally Brown” Mandolin Tab (Available to subscribers)

Fiddle Articles

article: Jason Isbell | “Speed Trap Town”

Fishman artist Jason Isbell and fiddler Amanda Shires play live at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tennessee.

Fiddle Videos

video: The Peregrines: “Red Skies”

Peghead Nation mandolin instructor Joe K. Walsh sings an original song with this all-star touring group.
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